Fondos fotográficos: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001304
Código: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001304
Título: Carmacita and Chico Meet friends at the Market, Las Palmas, Canary Islands.
Descriptor geográfico: España, Canarias, Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Autor: Desconocido
Fecha de la fotografía: 1930 ca.
Objeto fotográfico: Copia positiva en papel de gelatina D.O.P. de revelado químico (estereoscópica)
Descripción: Retrato colectivo en plano entero y de pie de tres niños y dos niñas que posan en la calle para el fotógrafo (posiblemente delante de un puesto callejero en un mercado local). Detrás de ellos se observan varias personas, entre ellas una mujer con mantilla, y la puerta de entrada a un comercio.
En los bordes del anverso del soporte secundario aparecen varias inscripciones impresas con tinta de color negro. En el borde izquierdo se lee: "Keystone View Company / Copyrighted / Manufactures MADE IN U.S.A. Publishers". En el centro del borde superior aparece el número "507". En el borde izquierdo se puede leer: "Meadville, Pa., New york, N.Y., / Chicago, Ill., London, England.", en la esquina inferior derecha del soporte se lee: "33375 Carmacita and Chico Meet Friends at the / Market, Las Palmas, Canary Islands."
El reverso del soporte secundario posee una inscripción impresa con tinta de color negro que ocupa toda su superficie y en la que se puede leer: "33375 / CARMACITA AND CHICO MEET / FRIENDS AT THE MARKET, LAS 7 PALMAS, CANARY ISLANDS / If you think the Canary Islands are a small / archipelago, compare the land area of thir group / with that of the Hawaiians. The Canaries are / nearly half as large and have almost twice as many inhabitants. It was ancient Rome that / gave to these islands the name "Fortunate / Isles", and the children that grow up in their / bright sunshine and mild climate are a happy, / care-free folk as these smiles seem to indicate. / We were fortune to meet the dark-eyed, / dark-skinned, smiling Carmancita at the market, for she has offered to act as our guide, our / cicerone. She will tell us about the many places / we will want to see and will name for us the / trees and the beautiful flowers that abound in / her land but which are strangers to us. / Disappointed will Chico be if we do not buy /his gallina (chicken) for he has promised that / if he sells the chicken he will buy leche helada / (ice cream) for the crowd. Is it strange, / then that Pancho and Guillermo also prayer- / fully hope the sale will be consummated? / Education has progressed rapidly in the / Canary Islands and good schools are numerous. / The Guanches, the original inhabitants who / occuppied the Canaries at the time of the Spanish / invasion, no longer exist as a separate race / Those that were not exterminated, inter-married with their conquerors and the present inhabitants / can scarcely be distinguished from the / people of Spain. They are slightly darker. The / oldest European settlement in America derived / its original population not from Spain but from / the Canary Islands. It was from these islands / that band of seventy families / went worth who / formed the town of St. Augustine, Florida. / Copyright by Keystone View Company".Vista parcial de los jardines del parque Doramas. Se distingue a varias personas mirando hacia la cámara.
En la esquina inferior derecha de la imagen hay una inscripción impresa en tinta blanca donde se lee: "LAS PALMAS -Jardines del parque. / Foto Baena. / Prohibida la Reproducción. Nº29".
Fondo fotográfico: Fotografía histórica