Fondos fotográficos: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001198
Código: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001198
Título: [La estatua de la Libertad].
Descriptor geográfico: Estados Unidos, Nueva York.
Autor: Desconocido
Fecha de la fotografía: 1945 ca.
Objeto fotográfico: Copia positiva en papel de gelatina D.O.P. de revelado químico
Descripción: Plano general contrapicado de la estatua de la Libertad de Nueva York.
En el reverso de la imagen hay un texto escrito a máquina en tinta de color azul y en lengua inglesa en el que se lee:
"NEW YORK CITY, INTERIM SITE OF UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION / New York, largest city of the United States and interim site of the United Nations Organization, has a population of more than seven / million, an area of 320 square miles and is bounded by 578 miles of waterfront. / The city is one of the great industrial, financial and cultural / centers of the United States. Manhattan Islands is the heart of the municipality, and within its borders are wall Street, the city's / financial district; Fifth Avenue, famous for its shops and stores; / Park Avenue, a thoroughfare flanked by huge apartment houses; Central / Park, an area of woodlands and lakes; The Empire State Buildng, the / world's tallest structurel and numerous universities, colleges, / museums, railroad terminals and markets. / New York City is governed by a mayor and a city council elected / by the people. It consists of five boroughs: Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Richmond. / The Statue of Liberty, on Bedloe's Island, dominates New York / Harbor. It is the work of Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, an Alsatian / sculptor. The figure is 151 feet high. The statue, a national monument, / was unveiled in 1886 and is a gift of the people of France to the / United States in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of American / independence. (15572=PMI.)"
Fondo fotográfico: Fotografía histórica