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Fondos fotográficos: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001099

Fondos fotográficos: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001099

Código: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001099

Título: [Presa Boulder, Río Colorado].
Descriptor geográfico: Estados Unidos, Arizona y Nevada.
Autor: Desconocido
Fecha de la fotografía: 1945 ca.
Objeto fotográfico: Copia positiva en papel de gelatina D.O.P. de revelado químico
Descripción: Vista parcial de la presa Hoover, inicialmente llamada presa Boulder. En la esquina inferior izquierda de la toma hay un hombre sentado sobre unas rocas que posa mirando hacia el imponente muro de contención de la presa sobre el cual circula una carretera en la que aparecen numerosos coches aparcados. En el reverso de la fotografía figura un texto explicativo, en lengua inglesa e impreso a máquina, acerca de la imagen en el que se lee: " BOULDER DAM, REGULATING COLORADO RIVER, PROVIDES MANY BENEFITS / Boulder Dam, operated by the U.S. Department of Interior's / Bureau of Reclamation, is the principal engineering structure of the / Boulder Canyon Project which provides hydrolectric power, flood / control, irregation, navigation improvement and water for industrial / and municipal purpose, to inhabitants of several western U.S. states. / The 726 - foot dam, highest in the world, Is erected on the Colorado River, Which separates the states of Arizona and Nevada. Its reservoir , 120-mile-long lake Mead, is one of the largest artificial / lakes in the world. It stores 32.359.000 acre-feet of water. (An /acre feet is the amount of water which will cover one acre, one / foot deep). When fully developed, the total generating capacity of the / Boulder Canyon project will bw 1.835.000 kilowatts. / The dam is one of more than 160 built by the U.S. for storage / of water, inland navigation and hydroelectric power. / Visitor's automobiles parked along the highway tops the 726-foot- / high Boulder Dam on the Colorado River. More than people / visit the project every month. (SD-46806-FMI)".
Fondo fotográfico: Fotografía histórica