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Fondos fotográficos: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001098

Fondos fotográficos: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001098

Código: ES 35001 AMC-CFH-001098

Título: [Pennsylvania, Stroudsburg].
Descriptor geográfico: Estados Unidos, Pennsylvania, Stroudsburg.
Autor: Desconocido
Fecha de la fotografía: 1947
Objeto fotográfico: Copia positiva en papel de gelatina D.O.P. de revelado químico
Descripción: Vista parcial de una concurrida calle de la ciudad de Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. En el reverso de la fotografía figura un texto explicativo, en lengua inglesa e impreso a máquina, acerca de la imagen en el que se lee: "Caption for Print: / (FF) W-488 / Shoppers in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, inspect the newly decorated stores / along Main Street for up-to-date merchandise recently stocked by local merchants. / leading United States manufacturers taught store owners in this small town modern / selling methods and make a complete line of new nationally advertised products / available to them as an experiment in a national plan to bring the latest and best / merchandise to small town and rural areas. / Caption for plastic: / A street scene in Stroudsbourg, Pennsylvania, during demonstration of big city / merchandising methods in small market center. Shoppers from all parts of the community park their cars to inspect the newly decorated stores recently stocked with up-to-date merchandise."
Fondo fotográfico: Fotografía histórica