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Collections of archaeology of Gran Canaria


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Inventory: 2.90
2Object: Gener
ic FigureClassification: Ceram
icsMatter: Clay. Almagre.
Technical: Modeling. Printing. Incision. Painted. Burnished.
Dimensions: Height, 7.8 cm.; max. width, 5.9
cm. Cultural context: Prehistory of Gran Can
ariaDescription: Head and neck of female human figure. It presents as finishing and decorative techniques: prints to signal the eyes, mouth and headdress or hair; circular incisions to demarcate the eyes; red paint covering the eyes, the inside of the mouth and the flight of the headdress or hair; and burnished that encompasses the unp
ainted surf
ace. Use/function: So-called idols are anthropomorphic, zoomorfa or mixed character figures made mostly in cooked clay. These figurations manifest a preference for human representation, especially for female representation as depicted in this piece.
Origin: Municipal Terms of Guide or Gáldar, Gran Canaria. The first reference about the origin of this object dates from 1879 through the work "Antiquités canariennes" by Sabin Berthelot where it refers that it comes from a "great cave of Gran Canaria, which according to the description of the explorer, would be that of the ravine of Valerón or of the Harimaguadas." However, when the piece is acquired by The Canary Museum – this acquisition being reflected in the Proceedings of the Board of Directors at its session of December 27, 1886 – it is quoted that it comes from Gáldar, origin with which it will be recorded in the Book of Registration of
Entries.Date discovery: Since the piece was in the possession of Pedro Maffiotte Arocha (1816-1870) , a native of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and based in Gran Canaria from 1851 to 1865, it is possible that the dates of his discovery are limited to the period of the stay of the aforementioned public works off
icial. Form of entry: Swap. The Canary Museum acquires this piece and two other objects through a redemption for ancient weapons with Ildefonso Maffiotte and La-Roche, one of the 16 sons of Pedro Maffi
otte Arocha.Source of income: The
Canary-Date Museum: December 1886 although his income is recorded in the Book of Registration of Entries subsequently, on February 21, 1887.

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