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On August 2, 2016, the project "Momias" was presented to the media. 3D biographies", a scientific research and outreach paper funded by the Hergar Foundation.

The project included both the bioanthropological study of three mummies preserved in The Canary Museum and the creation of a 3D model for each of them using photogrammetry techniques.

After twelve months of work, the results of the research and three-dimensional models are accessible online to all those users who wish to view or download them, both on the Sketchfab platform ( and on the museum's website ( The models have linked numbered annotations from which relevant information is provided of the three mummies (sex, age, diet, pathologies, characteristics of the shrouds that cover them, etc.).

"Mummies. 3D Biographies" is an R&D&I project focused especially on the application of new technologies for scientific dissemination and education with which the Canary Museum aims to bring to the public, in a didactic and novel way, the historical heritage it preserves. Thanks to new technologies, the results of the research carried out are made available to society. At the same time, experts will be able to use this resource as a source of new research without the need to move to the museum's offices and without acting directly on these sensitive funds. This is also the high definition (HD) version of the 3D models. Throug

hout this year, The Canary Museum has carried out various outreach activities in order to bring to the public the processes of research as well as the work that has been developed to obtain the three-dimensional representations: open days, information on social networks, guided tours and coinciding with the end of the project , the days entitled "The Memory of the Dead" were held. Archaeological micro-reports for an indigenous history".

The "Momias" project. 3D biographies" has had as principal researcher the curator of the entity Teresa Delgado, and in it have participated the archaeologists of the company Tibicena. Archaeology and Heritage S.L.: Ibán Suárez, responsible for modelling, Veronica Alberto and Marco Moreno; as well as the archaeologist and professor of the ULPGC Javier Velasco.