The Scientific Society The Canary Museum continues with its program of night visits "A Night in the Museum", which on Thursday 19 December, at 20:30 h., has as a guide the archaeologist Jacob Morales Mateos (ULPGC), doctor of history and specialist in archaeology. His talk, entitled "Economy in the Archaeology of Gran Canaria", serves as a presentation of the Domingo J. Navarro room, dedicated to food production and resource exploitation. This room has been recently renovated as part of the update of the exhibition facilities that The Canary Museum is developing to facilitate its didactic work.
This guided tour addresses the historical context and way of life of the first settlers of Gran Canaria. The results of the latest research on the Aboriginal economy and the development of activities such as agriculture, livestock, exploitation of the marine environment and plant harvesting are released. In this way, through the objects exhibited in this room we discover what the life and customs of the people who produced them were like.
The price of the activity is 5 euros per person (free for members). Tickets can be purchased via the following link: https://cutt.ly/Le53hGg