Collections of archaeology of Gran Canaria
Inventory: 3.08
3Object: Matrix (seal, painter)
Generic classification: Cerami
csMateria: Clay. Almagre.
Technical: Modeling. Smoothed. Excision. Incision. Printing. Painted
.Dimensions: Height, 45.00 mm; width, 45.00
mm Cultural field: Prehistory of Gran Canaria
Description: Square with perforated appendix. The field is defined by exicmis square, subsection concentric squares, and angular section prints. The
painter presents almagre in the field – over squared – and at the entrance of the perforation hole of the appendix. U
se/function: Imprecise. The use of these objects as seals to stamp their geometric designs seems obvious; not so the surfaces on which they were used or the cultural function they could play. History o
f the object: It was part of the private collection of Sebastián Pérez Yanes -known as The Casilda De Tacoronte Cabinet (Tenerife). After his death, the collection was acquired by a grancanario residing in Argentina, being transferred to this country in 1889. His arrival coincides with the stay in Buenos Aires of the first curator of El Museo Canario, Víctor Grau-Bassas and Mas. In 1889 it would take over the piece to be sent to El Museo Canario.
Procedencia: Gran Canaria. Nothing is known for certain as to the provenance of this object. Sabin Berthelot mistakenly makes her come from Guímar (Tenerife). Bethencourt Alfonso, in carrying out the inventory of the Casilda Cabinet, indicates that this and the other matrices that were part of the collection were "paintings of the Guanarteme de Gáldar". The same origin is attributed to him in an anonymous work of the early twentieth
century. Form of income: D
onationSource of income: Victor Grau-Bassas
and MasFecha de entry: March 1890