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The Canary Museum hosts during the 23rd and 24th of October 2018 the III Meeting of Intercultural Philosophy: Social Ontology and the Digital Age. It is a forum in which various philosophers of recognized trajectory (John Searle, Markus Gabriel, Maurizio Ferraris, Arnulf Heidegger and Juan Ezequiel Morales) will present their thoughts on the intervention of the new digital reality in social ontology.

The meeting features the collaboration of The Canary Museum, the Institute of Hamalgama Metric Sociology and RNE's "The Critical Eye" program, which will make a live broadcast for all of Spain on the afternoon of October 24.

Program (download PDF) :

TUESDAY, October 23

09:30 h. Opening of the Meeting

10:00 h. John Searle. "Nice hotel in a great view"

12:00 h. Markus Gabriel. "What is social media?"

18:00 h. Maurizio Ferraris. "The Documentary Revolution"

19:30-20:30 h. Round table, with all guests


WEDNESDAY, October 24

09:30 h. Guest presentation

10:00 h. Arnulf Heidegger. "Martin Heidegger, a close sight"

12:00 h. Juan Ezequiel Morales. "Ontology of the social being"

17:00-18:00 h. Live broadcast on the program "El Ojo Crítico de RNE, for all Spain.

18:30-20:00 h. Roundtable, involving the five participants, and which seeks to conclude with definitive arguments on the topic raised.https
