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On the occasion of the International Day of the Archives 2015 The Canary Museum made known through its social networks the various initiatives implemented to commemorate this event. Thus, with regard to open contents, the catalogue of the documentary collection Benito Pérez Galdós (Private Funds and Collections) composed of 304 documents, among which the more than 276 letters sent by the Grancanario writer, has been made available to users. Likewise, the databases containing the documentary collections Juan Ismael and Juan Díaz (Funds and private collections) have been enriched by providing free access to the photographs that make up the first (Juan Ismael/Fototeca) and to the digital copies of the 54 documents that shape the second. In
addition, on June 9, coinciding with the International Day of archives, Canary Documents was launched: blog of the archive of The Canary Museum, a tool that will serve to disseminate the archival contents of the institution.