One of the most unique mummies of all that are preserved in The Canary Museum can be observed online thanks to the three-dimensional model that the institution has made accessible through its website and social networks.
The three-dimensional modeling of the so-called "mummy no. 8" is the first visible result of the "Momias" project. 3D biographies", with which the Canary Museum bets on the dissemination and socialization of the historical heritage it preserves. It is a multidisciplinary project, composed of different specialists, aimed at reconstructing the biography of three of the indigenous mummies of Gran Canaria from the study of their oily and shrouded remains, and will offer a 3D model of each of them to show the most outstanding data of the lives of these people.
In addition to the online dissemination of three-dimensional images, The Canary Museum prepares for next June a scientific conference with the aim of publicizing all the information emanating from the research of the project. These days will be complemented by informative activities, aimed at diverse audiences, in an effort to socialize the latest advances in the knowledge of the island's indigenous past.
The "Momias" project. 3D biographies", which is sponsored by the Hergar Foundation, has as principal researcher Teresa Delgado, curator of The Canary Museum, and involved the archaeologists of the company Tibicena. Archaeology and Heritage: Ibán Suárez, responsible for modelling, Veronica Alberto and Marco Moreno; as well as the archaeologist and professor of the ULPGC Javier Velasco.
The 3D model of mummy number 8 is available free of charge through the museum's website (www.elmuseocanario.com), social media and the Sketchfab platform, on which it is hosted (https://skfb.ly/6qnTU).