The Canary Museum hosts this Thursday, December 14, at 19:00 h., the presentation of the book "The traditional musical instruments of La Palma", joint work of the musicologists Talio Noda Gómez and Lothar Siemens Hernández, in edition of the Cultural Association Different Letters. The book, which makes the ninth volume of the collection "Sayes: palmes de folklore notebooks", collects a comprehensive and comprehensive study of popular organography, analyzing the instruments of aerobics, edyhophones, membranophones and rememberophones that have been produced on the island of La Palma over time. It is the first systematic study of musical instruments to be carried out in the Canary islands. Th
e presentation of the monograph will be attended by Talio Noda and will be carried out by the art historian Juan Gómez-Pamo, librarian and curator of El Museo Canario. The Sancocho group will liven up the presentation with some pieces of popular music.