The objective of these works is the collection of information and restitution of part of the mounds for public exposur
e. To this end in 2009 56 mounds have been acted on, which were selected according to their characteristics and location in the cemetery, in order to favor the contemplation and understanding of the archaeological space. In addition, various surveys and sampling have been carried out in five of the burial deposits, the results of which, despite the poor state of conservation, are of great interest to the knowledge of the social practices developed in the Maipés.
In short, this intervention seeks to achieve a more precise view of the burial landscape and mortuary customs concerning this important necropolis of the ancient canaries.
Arqueocanaria S.L.
Tfno.: + 34 928895537
C/ Marqués de Muni, No. 25
35450 Santa María de Guía