The Scientific Society The Canary Museum has organized for the 26th and 27th of December, from 9:30 to 13:30 h., an activity aimed at publicizing the secrets of Aboriginal ceramics of Gran Canaria among the smallest. In a playful way and through experimentation, the workshop "Learning with Mud: Aboriginal Ceramics from Gran Canaria" introduces children between 6 and 12 years old in the work of mud and in the use and meanings that objects made with this material had in the society of the ancient canaries. The workshop on Thursday 26 is intended for children between 6 and 8 years old, while Friday 27 is reserved for children from 9 years of age.
The mud was used by the aboriginals of the island, mainly for the elaboration of ceramic containers that were used in everyday activities such as cooking or storing food, but this raw material also served to make other objects, among which are the pintaderas, with their characteristic geometric shapes, or the so-called idols, small sculpturals that represent, for the most part , women's figures.
The workshops offer various activities, such as touring the rooms of the museum to know the life forms of the Aboriginal population of Gran Canaria, experimenting with the colors and decorative motifs used by the ancient canaries, or modeling an "idol" from the collection of reproductions preserved by the institution, all in a playful and participatory learning environment that favors interaction and creativity , awakening in minors the interest and desire to continue to know.
The activity has a cost of 8.00 euros for the general public and free for Youth Partners of The Canary Museum.
Registration forms: Workshop day 26 (6 to 8 years): https://cutt.ly/vrqjLvX
Workshop day 27 (9 to 12 years): https://cutt.ly/grqj6oi