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On the occasion of the International Women's Day, which is celebrated every March 8, The Canary Museum has organized a series of cultural activities that will start on Saturday, March 4 and last until Friday, the

10th day.This time the archaeologist Teresa Delgado, curator of the museum, will be in charge of welcoming various groups of women from the island to show them a novel vision of the archaeology of Gran Canaria , focused on gender relations in pre-Hispanic society. The visit, which will carry the title of "Women and gender in the Aboriginal society of Gran Canaria", will have eight sessions divided between Saturday, March 4, Monday 6, Wednesday 8 and Friday 10.

In addition, on Wednesday, March 8, at 19:30 h., photographer Angel Luis Aldai will give the conference "Soutourá, is the name of the woman", an illustrated talk with which he will show the reality of women in West Africa according to the particular vision of hi

s camera. The title of the conference refers to a quotation by the Malian intellectual and activist Aminata Traoré in her book "The Rape of the Imaginary", and plays with the meaning of a term, 'Soutourá', which does not have a unique translation in European languages because, in fact, it combines several concepts, such as respect for oneself and others , dignity, protection and friendship. In the native Wólof language, Soutourá illustrates everything African women believe: work, love, self-esteem and presentation of it with the best galas, as a sign of respect for others. Admissi

on to the conference will be free and free until capacity is complete

d. Collectives that have not yet registered can do so by sending their request to (reserve list will open).