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One more year, the Canary Museum celebrates International Book Day with a series of activities scheduled with the aim of promoting the reading habit in society and at the same time publicizing the heritage importance of the library of this century-old cultural institution. On this occasion, the Museum has also prioritized collaboration with other institutions as a way to add value to its own initiatives. Th

e activities will begin on Friday, April 21, with the installation of several reading points where visitors will find some books with which to expand, if they wish, the information that the exhibition rooms usually offer. These reading points will be available to interested parties throughout the weekend, until Sunday, April 23. On Sa

turday, April 22, at 10:00 h., the Canary Museum will take its library to the Mother's Hospital in collaboration with Heidelberg College. Students at this school will bring a selection of children's and youth books closer to children who remain admitted to the health center. Participants will tell stories drawn from Canarian literature and propose some recreational activities related to the tales of our islands. Fina

lly, on Sunday, April 23, at 10:00 h., the historical library of The Canary Museum will open its doors to show some of the most significant bibliographic treasures in its collection. The staff at the museum's documentation centre will provide visitors with explanations of the library's formation and its historical and heritage value. It is an activity sponsored by the Cabildo de Gran Canaria and with limitation of places, so it is necessary to register in advance on the website