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The archive of the Canary Islands Inquisition accessible on the network. Descriptive records at the documentary unit level corresponding to the 33 most representative documentary series generated by the Holy Island Office can now be consulted through our website.

We expanded the collection of historical photography of The Canary Museum available on the network. 600 photographs belonging to the Photo Background Teodoro Maisch have been incorporated, for consultation, into the database "funds and photographic collections" accessible through our website.

5,316 archive records of The Canary Museum accessible via the internet
We make available to users the descriptions at the documentary unit level corresponding to the Wiot Gallery fund and the collections Alvaro Talavera Herrera, Juan Ismael, Felo Monzón, Salvador Manrique de Lara, Cristóbal Bravo de Laguna and Víctor Doreste Grande.We publish

on the network the catalog of the collection of nail paintings. The access that is made through this website, allows the consultation of the 211 pieces that currently make up the collection of the museum. It offers the description of each of the paintrs with their corresponding images. 

We add audio to our page "Music creation in the Canary Islands". The more than 50 CDs that make up this collection of the RALS Project now have a sound fragment, one minute long each, that allows you to listen to an excerpt from the first track of each CD. 

Next edition of the LXV issue of the magazine El Museo Canario. A summary of the articles corresponding to this number can be found in this link. F

rom January 1, 2011 the visit to the halls of The Canary Museum will be free every Monday.

We updated the magazine "The Canary Museum". We have completed the digitization of our scientific journal, which you can consult in full text from its first issue, published in 1880, to the last published in 2009.