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On September 3, Saúl Rodríguez del Pino defended at ULPGC his final master's job (TFM) entitled "Bioarqueological analysis of funeral contexts of the Modern Age: the dental anthropology of individuals recovered in the convent of San Francisco de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria". The court was composed of Matilde Arnay de La Rosa (ULL) Amelia Rodríguez Rodríguez (ULPGC) and Teresa Delgado Darias (The Canary Museum), being the tutor of the work Javier Velasco Vázquez (ULPGC).

This study, developed on the dental remains of adult individuals recovered in the excavations of the aforementioned convent of San Francisco and deposited in The Canary Museum, opens a new field in the grancanaria archaeological research: the bioanthropological analysis of the society that inhabited the island during the Modern Age, approaching through it the forms and living conditions of the population that shaped that period of our history.