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On the occasion of the International Day of Museums, which is celebrated next Wednesday, May 18, The Canary Museum has scheduled a series of extraordinary activities that will run until the 24th, date that coincides with the 136th anniversary of the first installation of the museum. The scheduled activities aim to deepen the theme proposed by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) for this year's celebrations: "Museums and Cultural Landscapes". The role of the institution in the conservation of the cultural heritage of our island and its influence on the social environment of which it is a part will be released.


Wednesday 18 May: Open Day- Free admissio

n from 10:00 to 20:00 h., with a gift for children's audience- Guide

d tour: "Itinerary of a trip: The Canary Museum"Th

e visit to the halls and the documentation center will be offered through a repertoire of archaeological and documentary materials selected for the occasion, which will be used as a pretext to tell how the collections that are now preserved in the The Canary Museum. This tour will also offer the opportunity to learn about the history of archaeology on the island, from its origins to the present day

. Hours: 12:00 h. 17:00 h.
limited places. Registration NeededSá

bado 21 of May: Family day- Famil

y visit: "Journey inside the Canary Museum"Visit commente

d and energized by the rooms of the museum and other spaces usually closed to the public, where the little ones, and those who are not so much, will discover the history of The Canary Museum. How and when did the museum arrive in the neighborhood of Vegueta? What do you keep in your warehouses? Who studies these materials? What are they being studied for,

, etc. Hours: 12:00
h.Age: Children from 7 to 12 y
ears Limited places. Registration Required

Martes May 24: 136th Anniversary of the opening of The Canary Mu

seum- Conference of Dr. Ma Carmen Naranjo Santana: "Of bones, books and progress.  The Canary Museum and the development of the c

ity"Coinciding with the anniversary of the first installation of The Canary Museum, which opened its doors on May 24, 1880, and according to the motto "Museums and Cultural Landscapes" proposed this year for the celebrations of the International Day of Museums, Dr. Ma Carmen Naranjo Santana will discuss the way in which this institution contributed to the modification of the neighborhood of Vegueta , of the city and the mentality of the time, and how it influenced the construction-management of heritage, the connection of the island-city with the outside and the creation of a look for its own to the future. H

ours: 19:00 h.Pla
ce: Hall of events of The Canary Museum Fre
e entryInform

ation and registration: 928 336 800 (Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00 h., Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 h. 14 a.m.)