Being part of the program of conservation and restoration of our artistic collection, during 2017 the intervention has been carried out on 3 works of art. Thus, the restaurateur Amparo Caballero Cassasa subjected to the proper technical treatments the oil on canvas depicting Juan de Padilla, the work of Juan Baixas, which presented, in addition to surface dirt, a tear on the face of the portrait. For their part, restaurateurs Francisco Díaz Guerra, Pilar Verdejo Córdoba and Cinta Guimerans Ferradás have intervened on two important works: the watercolor "Playa de las Canteras", by Manolo Millares, and the drawing "Cardón del Parque municipal de Santa Catalina", by Santiago Santana. The first, being a watercolor, was subjected to a non-aqueous surface mechanical cleaning, also being sealed with paper pulp small holes and cracks that endangered the integrity of the piece. The "Cardón of the municipal park of Santa Catalina", of Santiago Santana, had a great previous deterioration (brands of direct moisture, broken, dirt, deformations, oxidation and friability of the support). In order to correct these defects, the work (dry and washed surface), the adhesion of the ruptures and tears using paper pulp and methylcellulose, and chromatic reintegration into the tear areas using the regattino technique were cleaned.