The Hergar Foundation presents on its website the final reports of the subsidized projects in the call for aid to research projects 2016. "Mummies. 3D biographies" of The Canary Museum was one of the proposals selected in this call.
The work was carried out over twelve months and involved the bioarcheological study of three mummies of the museum and the creation of a 3D model of each of them using photogrammetry techniques. The three-dimensional representations were made by the company Tibicena Archaeology and Heritage and are accessible on the Internet through the Sketchfab platform or the website of our institution."
Mummies. 3D biographies" represents a commitment made from the museum to combine scientific research and dissemination from new information and communication technologies. To this end, a multidisciplinary team was set up in which specialists in the field of bioanthropology, archaeology as well as the digitization of cultural heritage participated.