The first of three mummies that will be part of the "Mummies" project has already begun to be photographed. 3D biographies". This project, which was made public last August, involves the creation of three-dimensional models of several of the mummies preserved in the museum, which will be freely accessible on the Internet and will be accompanied by scientific information derived from its studyUno
of the central objectives of this project that The Canary Museum will develop over the coming months is to obtain 3D models from several of the mummies that it preserves using photogrammetry techniques. It is an innocuous procedure for archaeological materials that offers a wide informational value, so more and more museums are betting on this technology to bring their collections to the public. The company responsible for creating these representations is Tibicena. Archaeology and Heritage, which has extensive experience in the introduction of such tools in the study and dissemination of the archaeological heritage of the Canary Islands. The results of the work will be hosted on the Sketchfab platform, and will be freely accessible.
"Mummies. 3D biographies" is a project sponsored by the Hergar Foundation.