This Friday, January 20, at 19:30 h., The Canary Museum will host the celebration of a tribute to the multifaceted Ricardo Lezcano Escudero on the occasion of the first centen
ary of his birth. The tribute will be attended by specialists in each of the most significant facets of Lezcano's career, such as journalism, poetry or theatre. Thus, Antonio Rojas will lecture on "Ricardo, vocational journalist, essayist and writer", making a semblance of the journalistic profile of the honoree, who was a columnist in newspapers such as Canarias 7, La Provincia, El País, Informaciones, La Actualidad Española or Sábado
Gráfico.Next, Juan Carlos de Sancho will recover "Ricardo Lezcano, poet", since poetry was another of the author's most intimate interests. Examples of this are his poems El Siglo de las Sombras and Exhumation of the Memoria.La
theatrical aspect of Lezcano will be the subject of the analysis of Pepe Batista, who will review the history of the "Teatro Insular de Cámara", an amateur theater group that Lezcano created within The Canary Museum and which was a turning point in the cultural development of Gran Canaria.
Three actresses , Pepa Dominguez, Tere Lleó and Lolina Guerra, will complete the stage profile of Ricardo Lezcano, with whom they shared the tables on some occasions. Fi
nally, the event will be closed with a few words of Silvia Lezcano, daughter of the honoree.