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This Friday, September 30, at 19:00 hours, the book "The Indigenous Pacts of Gran Canaria and Tenerife" by Antonio M. López is presented at El Museo Canario. The presentation of this work, edited by LeCanarien editions, will be by the author and germán Santana Pérez, professor of Modera History at ULPGC.

"During the second half of the s. XV at least three vassalage events were held in the Canary Islands, rubricized in the Isletas Act, the Bufadero Act and the Zumeta Act. Its authenticity has been the subject of controversy among the resear
chers. Antonio López has carried out a detached review of the chronology and testimonies of the European chronicles, to offer new hypotheses on these issues and other riddles of the ancient history of the Archipelago."