Ma Angelica Castellano Suárez has been appointed new director of the Scientific Society The Canary Museum, a position she will hold from October 1, 2016. This appointment completes the Company's Governance Board, which has been chaired since March 28 by its previous director, Diego López Díaz.La new dir
ector, holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the University of Saint Louis, Missouri (USA), a specialty of International Economics and Marketing. She is also a specialist in the Knowledge Society, a subject she has developed as executive director of the Atlantic Center for Strategic Thinking between
2013 and 2016.The appointment of Ma Angélica Castellano finishes to set up the Governing Board of El Museo Canario, which is now made up of the fol
lowing people:- Diego López D
íaz, President- Ma Luisa Hernández Me
dina, Secretary- , vocal- So
nia Granado Suárez, vocal- J
onathan Santana Cabrera, vocal-
Jacob Morales Mateos, vocal-
Ma Angélica Castellano Suárez, director