The Scientific Society The Canary Museum joins the celebrations of International Museum Day, an initiative of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) that convenes all the museum institutions of the world every May 18. The proposed motto for the 2018 call is "Hyperconnected Museums: New Approaches, New Publics", in an attempt to make visible all forms of connection, both personal and technological, that museums use to stay in touch with society.
The celebrations will follow the following programme:
May 15
09:00 – 14:00 h. – VIII International Colloquium on Darwinism in Europe and America. Evolutionism in the Canary Islands
Inaugural Lecture: Notes on Darwin's Earliest Reception in Boston and London: Receiver Density, Reception Rate, by Thomas F. Glick (Boston University)
Table 1: Darwinian and Haeckelian Stories
May 16
11:00 h. – Visit: Women's looks, with musical accompaniment of students of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias*
7:30 p.m. – Additional conference of the VIII International Colloquium on Darwinism in Europe and America. Evolutionism, in the Canary Islands:
Irrigation systems in the Canary Islands and their unexpected dissemination and reinvention in San Antonio, colonial Texas, by Thomas F. Glick (Boston University)
May 18
Open day – From 10:00 to 20:00 h. – Free admission
10:00 h. – Exhibition: "A color store"
18:00 h. – Visit: Women's looks, with musical accompaniment of students of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias*
May 19
18:30 a.m. – 22:30 – European Museum Night (Free admission)
18:30 h.- Guided tour*
19:00 h.- Guided tour*
20:00 h.– Concert: Women composers
Organized by the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias
May 20
12:00 h. – Family visit: Theatre*
Activity is recommended for children from 5 to 12 years accompanied by an adult.
*Limited places – Pre-registration required