The Canarian Library is the most complete collection on Canarical themes, authors and prints, thus responding to the mission undertaken by the institution from the moment of its foundation. Chronologically this section, composed of some 15,000 volumes, consists of titles published between the sixteenth century and the present moment. The preferred character presented by this bibliographical group is the origin that the technical processes developed are focused on it, having the selection, acquisition, cataloguing and commissioning a priority character.
The General Library – composed of more than 40,000 volumes – consists of publications in different languages and subjects dating between the fifteenth and 21st centuries, whose income has mainly occurred through donation and exchange, having incorporated into it the volumes of the old Municipal Library of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and those that were part of the bibliographic collection of the Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de Gran Canaria.
Apart from these two central collections, the Canary Museum preserves publications of Canarian references that, although not of a local nature, contain information of interest about our islands or the collaboration of some Canarian author.