On Tuesday, July 3, at 18:00 h., The Canary Museum reopens its doors to publicize the latest results of the research project "Study of the collection of mummified human remains of The Canary Museum". It is a
project that addresses the study of these remains from the perspective of professionals from various branches who carry out their work in various institutions, so the results are greatly enriching the knowledge about the Aboriginal society of Gran Canaria and are allowing to obtain a comprehensive vision of the life and death of these people and of the society to which t
hey belonged. Issues such as the finding of dog teeth associated with certain individuals, the use of wooden elements that supported some of these deceased, dental health or evidence of cadavian fauna, are some of the issues that The Canary Museum addresses in this Open Doors Da
y.To attend this free activity it is necessary to register previously through the form available on our website: https://bit.ly/2LJ3N0Y