On Saturday, February 23, 2019, at 12:00 h., The Canary Museum hosts a concert organized by the Association Promuscan as a tribute to Juan Hidalgo, who was Honorary Partner of this musical association until his dea
th in 2018.The program has been made from the response to the calls made in its day to both promuscan associates and members of the Federation of Iberian Associations of Composers (FAIC) , and includes the realization of the creation of Juan Hidalgo "Música en Cinta", 1961, which consists of a series of instructions to make a quadraphonic electroacoustic work whose final composition depends on the decision of four performers-creators freely. "Music on tape" has already been performed twice in Promuscan concerts, in each case with different sound content. In addition to this piece by Juan Hidalgo, the musicians José María Curbelo
(piano), Carmen Ojeda (flute) and Marisa Roda (cello) perform works by Víctor Landeira, Leandro Ramos, Gonzalo Díaz Yerro, Diana Pérez Custodio, Antonio Velasco Polonio and Cruz López de Rego Fernández.La entrance to the concert is free and free until completing. PROGRAM1- Hunted HunterPosted Landeira (Promuscan)2- Collage in memoriam Juan HidalgoLeandro Ramos (Promuscan)3- Nu-sehGonzalo Díaz Yerro (Promuscan
)4- PROZAJDiana Pérez Custodio (Promuscan)3- Nu-sehGonzalo Díaz Yerro (Promuscan)4- PROZAJDiana Pé
rez Custodio
(Promuscan) ACIM)5- Geome
tries IIAntonio Velasco Polonio (ACC)6-
Breaking moldsCruz López de Rego Fernández (AMCC)7-
Hidalguía in front of the plastic thr
eatVíctor Lan
deira (Promuscan)8- Music in tapeJuan Hidalgo
Hidalgo (AMC
C)7- Hidalguía in front of the plastic th
reatVíctor Landeira (Pr
omuscan)8- Music in tapeJuan Hidalgo Hidalg
o (AMCC)7- Hidalguía in front
of the plastic threatVíctor Landeira (Promuscan)8-
Music in tapeJuan Hidalgo Hidalgo (AMCC)7- Hidalguía in front
of the plastic threatVíctor Landeira (P
romuscan)8- Music in tapeJu
an Hidalgo Hidalgo