The Canary Museum and the DISA Foundation make multidisciplinary their successful outreach project "Guides for a Day", thanks to the involvement of an actress, an educator, a photographer and a journalist, who join the second phase of the program started this January.
The essence of the project "Guides for a Day" is to prepare schoolchildren from different centers of Gran Canaria to be able to show the museum to other students, with the aim of getting to each other to the contents and possibilities offered by the entity founded by Dr. Chil and Naranjo in 1879.Twel
ve schools and institutes of the island , with an average of 25 students per school, have already booked a date to participate in this program, which runs until April. T
his second installment of the program features actress Carol Cabrera, museum educator Ma Carmen Gil, photographer Teresa Correa and journalist Angels Arencibia. Each of them contributes a piece to the project within their respective fields of act
ivity. In addition to the exhibition on the contents of the museum made by Ma Carmen Gil during a tour of the main halls; participants receive an initiation in techniques to speak in public as a voice projection and work the stage fright and energy, taught by the actress Carol Ca
brera.La photographer Teresa Correa, author of several works related to the entity, opens the eyes to the possibility of approaching the contents of the museum through the artistic experience. "The good thing," he tells them, "is that they leave here with
questions." Finally, the relevance of the hemeroteca of El Museo Canario, the most important in the Canary Islands with more than one million copies, is the main argument of the journalist Angels Arencibia, who has the challenge of exciting the participants to turn the experience into
text. Schools and institutes interested in the project can request information from difusion@elmuseocanario.com.