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Collections of archaeology of Gran Canaria


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Inventory: 3.032
Object: Matrix (seal, painter)G
eneric classification: Ceramics
Materia: Clay.Te
chnique: Modeling. Rough finish. Excision. Incision. Printing. Brushin
: Height, 62 mm.; width, 79
mm. Cultural context: Prehistory of Gran Cana
riaDescription: Triangular with partially preserved appendix. The field is defined by exhaust triangle, subsection triangle, incised parallel straight lines, and rounded section prints. T
he painter has areas with burnished. U
se/function: Imprecise. The use of these objects as seals to stamp their geometric designs seems obvious; not so the surfaces on which they were used or the cultural function they could play. Origin
: Agaimes, Gran Canaria.Finding:
From Ag
aimes come 32 paintings that entered The Museum during the year 1881: A donated in July by Juan Melián y Caballero, Treasurer of the museum between 1879 and 1882; thirty acquired in August by the Museum juan Ignacio Herrera, owner of land in the vicinity of the Villa de Agsimes where during breakage work there was the discovery of thirty paintings; and a donation in December by the aforementioned Juan Ignacio Herrera. This 3,032 painter is one of the 32 painters mentioned and in the case that it had been one of the thirty acquired by the Museum, it would be necessary to associate its find with the Aboriginal village documented under the current historic center of Ag
aimes.Form of income: Donation or acquisit
ionDate of income: 1881

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