On the occasion of the International Day of archives, which is celebrated every 9 June on the initiative of the ICA (International Council of Archives), the Canary Museum and the Provincial Historical Archive of Las Palmas "Joaquín Blanco" have organized for this day a joint visit that will allow citizens to know two of the most relevant archival centers in the Canary Islands. The itinerary will begin at 11:00 h. in the Canary Museum, where participants will come into contact with the minutes, processes and testimony generated by the Holy Office of the Inquisition, and conclude in the Provincial Historical Archive of Las Palmas where they will have the opportunity to know their documentary f
unds. International Archives Day is celebrated on this occasion under the slogan "Archives, citizens and interculturality". With this argument, the Canary Museum and the Provincial Historical Archive of Las Palmas have opted for interinstitutional collaboration and join this celebration by organizing a guided tour for which it is necessary to register in advance, since it has limited places. More i
nformation and registrations: 928 33 68 00 (Monday to Friday, 10:00 to 20:00 h.; Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 14:00 h.).