The Canary Museum has organized several activities this year on the occasion of the Day of the Dead. The first of these is an open day that will take place on November 2nd at 18:00 h. with the title Violence in the pre-Hispanic population of Gran Canaria? The visit will be coordinated by the curator of the institution Teresa Delgado Darias, who will raise issues related to physical violence within the indigenous population of Gran Canaria from its preserved biological remains. In the course of this activity, the latest chronological data of the waste remains preserved in the museum will be released, obtained through radio-carbon dating analyses that have been financed by the Government of the Canary Islands. The visit, intended for the adult public, is free of charge and has limited places, so prior registration is required through the website (access to the registration form).
The program of The Canary Museum around the Day of the Dead is completed with the workshop SOME DEAD VERY LIVE!, which will take place between 6 and 17 November. Through this activity, secondary students from various centers of the island will be able to know the keys to study human remains and extract from them scientific information that helps to reconstruct various aspects related to the forms and living conditions of an archaeological population: diet, economy, social organization, demography, origins, etc.