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Tuesday, May 29, 7 p.m., the halls of The Canary Museum host the ceremony of the Awards for Fidelity, which on this occasion fall on the members Pedro Schlueter Caballero, José Domingo Hernández Mayor, Manuel Hernández González and Ma del Prado Escob

ar Bonilla.The Loyalty Awards were established by the Governing Board of the Scientific Society The Canary Museum in 2001 to publicly acknowledge the contribution of those people who reach a 50-year-old age as members of the institution. Their fidelity is represented by a diploma and an object that is proving this distinction. P

edro Schlueter Caballero has been a member of The Canary Museum since 28 February 1968. A mercantile expert, teacher, bookseller and writer, he has stood out as a communicator of various aspects related to music. He is currently president of the Philharmonic Society of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He is also the author of several literary works, among which his contributions to the theater and his collections of short stories are hig

hlighted. José Domingo Hernández Mayor belongs to a family of pharmacists from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and has excelled in the life of the city for its social commitment and contribution to various cultural associations. He was also admitted as a partner of El Museo Canario on February 28, 196

8.Manuel Hernández González, partner of El Museo Canario since April 24, 1968, is an eye doctor and was one of the pioneers of ophthalmology in Gran Canaria. He was part of the ophthalmology team of the former Hospital de San Martín and later moved to the Insular Hospital, where he was head of service until his retirement.

María del Prado Escobar Bonilla holds a PhD in Philology from the University of Murcia. He arrived in Gran Canaria in 1960 to hold a professorship at the Institute of Middle Education. Later he transferred his academic activity to the University School of Teacher Training of Las Palmas (dependent on the University of La Laguna), and finally to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, where he was professor of Philology. With numerous published works on Spanish literature, she is an expert in the work of Miguel de Unamuno and Benito Pérez Galdós. She has been a member of The Canary Museum since November 11,

1968.The honorees, as well as the rest of the attendees of the event, will have the opportunity to know the museum from a genre perspective with the realization of the visit "Miradas de mujer". The tour, for which the Maria Eulate Island Dance School will be collaborated, will consist of a selection of four archaeological and documentary pieces. Once the visit is completed the president of El Museo Canario, Diego López Díaz, will present these awards to the four members who reach this year the condition required for this, and who, therefore, belong to the society since 1968.