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The Canary Museum will host the course Photography and reproduction of works of art for cataloguing, archive, lithography and web, organized by the Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts of San Miguel Archangel (Racba) and which will be taught by the academic number and photographer Efraín Pintos Barate. The main objective of the course is to deepen the photographic reproduction of the painting. T

he course, which will take place at the headquarters of El Museo Canario and sponsored by the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, will begin on Monday, November 14 at 17:00 h. and will run until Friday, the 18th of the same month. It will consist of five eminently practical sessions, which will delve into the works of art as photographic motifs. To do this, photographs of drawings, paintings, sculptures and volumetric pieces will be taken, giving great importance to lighting. It will also proceed to explain and perform the editing of the generated material and cor

ollary. Those interested in attending this training, aimed at the general public with a curiosity to reproduce artistic works, should do so with a camera and preferably with a laptop. The price of the course is 50 euros, and the tuition, whose term is already open, must be made through the website