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On the occasion of the International Day of Museums, which is celebrated on May 18, The Canary Museum has prepared a complete program of events that will run until the next day 24, date that coincides with the 137th anniversary of the first opening of the

museum. The events will begin on the morning of Tuesday, May 16, when some microvisites have been organized that will focus on selected pieces to illustrate the theme of death both in Canarian prehistory and in more recent historical times. Some of these microvisits will be illustrated with a musical accompaniment of the students of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canari

as.On the same day, at 19:30, Dr. Amara Florido Castro will give in the Hall of Acts of the museum the conference "The museum of the industrial heritage of the Canary Islands: a pending subject". Amara Florido holds a PhD in Art History, a specialist in industrial archaeology and the author of numerous specialized works

. On Wednesday 17 visitors will be offered an extraordinary tour of the museum's halls under the theme "Archaeology, a source of inspiration for the artist", which will illustrate the special relationship that many island artists have had with The Canary Museum and with their archaeological backgrounds throughout its his

tory. On the 18th, International Museum Day, the microvisits around death will be repeated in morning and afternoon times. In the evening program they will have musical accompaniment again with the collaboration of the students of the conservator

y. This day of celebration will conclude with the concert of the Ensemble Aura Sonora ensemble, which from 19:30 will perform various pieces rescued from the music archive of the Cathedral of Las Palmas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centur

ies. On Friday the 19th there will be a new thematic tour of the museum focused on archaeology as a source of inspiration for artists. On this occasion it will be held in the afternoon, at 18:00 h

.On the 20th at 12:00 h. in the morning a special visit for families will be organized with the title "Who is who:: the mummies of The Canary Museum tell us their story". On this date, in addition, the European Night of the Museums is held, so our rooms will be open from 19:00 to 22:00 h., with free admission. At 8 p.m. students of the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias will offer a concert in which they will perform a selection of works by women composers. It is a concert framed in the project "Music of Women in the Classrooms", which is coordinated in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria by the composer Laura Vega.The pro

gram will be closed on May 24th with an event of special importance for The Canary Museum, which this day celebrates the 137th anniversary of its first opening. For this reason, this scientific society will give the Loyalty Award to all those partners who have reached a 50-year age as part of this century-old institution. This time the honorees will be Mr. Pedro Limiñana Cañal, D. Joaquín Espinosa Boissier, Da Isabel Bethencourt Manrique de Lara, Mr. José Quintana S., Da Ascensión Garcío Díaz, Mr. Cristóbal García Blairsy, Don Sergio Jiménez Castellano and Mr José A. Apolinario Cambreleng.With

this cultural programming, The Canary Museum joins the celebration of the International Day of Museums, which in the 2017 edition is convened around the world with the motto "Museums and stories controversial : say the unspeakable in museums".