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This Saturday, February 10, at 12:00 h., The Canary Museum hosts the II Concert of Tribute to Lothar Siemens, organized by the Association Promuscan. It is a meeting in which composers and performers participate who had a special connection with the remembered musicologist, whose death is celebrated these days its first anniversary. Ten

composers, including Ernesto Mateo, Guillermo García-Alcalde, Manuel Bonino and Víctor Landeira, present creations dedicated to the memory of Siemens, some of them composed expressly for this occasion. The pieces make up a varied program that includes scores for instrumental, vocal and electroacoustic music, by performers such as the sopranos Estefanía Perdomo and Dulce María Sánchez, the instrumentalists Cristina Boissier (guitar) and Emilio Tabraue (piano), and the coro AINU

R, Came

rata Gran Canaria and Trío Gabriel Rodó.PROGRAMA.- Ernesto Ernesto Erne
sto Mateo (piano)-

Legacy…………………………………………………………. Gonzalo Díaz Yerro Erne
sto Mateo (piano)-

Rests by the sea……………………………….. Jesús Angel Rodríguez Recio Estefanía
Perdomo (soprano) Cris
tina Boissier (guitar)-

Meissen Trio………………………………………………………… Guillermo García-Alca
lde Trio Gabrie
l Rodó Liliana Mesa
(violin) Pilar Bolaños (
cello) Ana Marrero

(piano)- Lejanía………………………………………………………………………….. Francis
co González Afonso Dulce M
aría Sánchez (sopra
no) Carmen Ojeda (
flute) Ana Gil (clar

inet) Emilio Tabraue (piano)- Suite La Gomera (electroacoustics)…………..

……………… Pablo Vega- Beethoven TV………………………………………… Man
uel Bonino Francisco Martínez

Ramos (piano)- Keys for Lothar Siemens……………………………… Carlos Cruz de
Castro Ernesto Mate

o (piano)- Kyrie……………………………………………………….. Leandro Ramos Coro AIN
UR Direct
ion: Mariola Rodríguez- St

rela (quintet with piano)……………………………….. Víctor Landeira Camerata G
ran Canaria Preslav
Ganev (violin) Juan
Manuel Díaz (violin) Bi
rgit Hengsbach-Doumerc (viola
) Pilar Bolaños (cello) '
liver Curbelo (piano)