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During the 13th and 14th of December 2018 the Second Congress of Museums of the Canary Islands is held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in which the Museo Canario actively participates. It is a professional meeting that will discuss how to deal with the new challenges posed in the 21st century, what are the problems of visibility and social relevance of these institutions and what techniques they have to develop research, conservation and dissemination. For this purpose, three lines of joint work have been planned that define the motto of this II Congress: Collections, Professions and Connections.This

congress is organized by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Government of the Canary Islands and will have as headquarters the Elder Museum, the House of Columbus and the Canary Museum, with a total of 180 professionals of museum centers of the seven islands. Our headquarters is responsible for organizing one of the working tables and hosting Francesca Phillips' exhibition "The Search for Ancient Faces", which is scheduled to open on December 13 at 19:30 h. and will be open to the public until March 13, 2019." Th

e Search for Ancient Faces" is a research project on art and science in which the photographs of fifty current inhabitants of the islands, portrayed by Francesca Phillips, are confronted with fifty facial reconstructions of Aboriginal people from the archipelago carried out by Caroline Wilkinson and Maria Castañeira-Ruiz of John Moores University in Liverpool. This is intended to illustrate the connection between the ancient canaries and the current canaries.