The hall of the Canary Museum hosts this Thursday, October 3, at 19:00 h., the presentation of the last work of journalist Eliseo Izquierdo. It is a profuse collection of pseudonyms used in the Canary Islands by a myriad of authors of literature, journalism and the arts. The two volumes of this work are published by the Institute of Canarian Studies within his collection Monoografías.Eliseo
Izquierdo Pérez, born in La Laguna in 1931, is a journalist, philologist and art critic. He has developed his professional work mainly in the Tenerife newspapers El Día and La Tarde, and at the same time has been a professor at several Spanish universities. He is an honorary scholar of the Royal Canarian Academy of Fine Arts and a member of other academies and cultural societies. Among his publications stands out especially his celebrated Canarian Journalists (eighteenth to twentieth centuries), which is the germ of the book that is now presented, where the pseudonyms of journalists take special prominence. Th
e presentation of the work is carried out by the author himself, accompanied by Diego López Díaz, president of El Museo Canario, and by the prominent politician Jerónimo Saavedra Acevedo.
La assistance is free and free until capacity is completed.