– On 1 December 2010, 5 boxes of archaeological materials and the archaeological report of the follow-up of the work corresponding to the find carried out via works on September 18, 2010 entered Ceres Street, no. 26 (Barrio de Caserones, T.M de Telde, Gran Canaria). Archaeological follow-up was carried out by archaeologist Abel Galindo Rodríg
uez.- On February 24th 18 boxes of archaeological materials, memory and inventory of materials corresponding to the archaeological excavation with surveys carried out between May and July 2009 entered the House of the Sall (T.M. Telde, Gran Canaria). The works were led by the archaeologist Abel Galindo Rodríguez.- On
February 19, 2 boxes and 5 packages of paleontological materials, the memory and inventory of materials corresponding to the discovery carried out via works in October 2009 entered the Charcones (Punta de Las Coloradas, El Puertillo, T.M. Arucas, Gran Canaria). Archaeological follow-up was carried out by archaeologist Abel Galindo Rodríguez.