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Part and document of the month 2015

The program LA PART DEL MONTH of 2015 will offer a selection of 6 archaeological pieces that meet under the same idea, publicize some of the archaeological materials that are part of the temporary exhibition "A place to live", and 6 documentary pieces that will have as a common thread the presence of literature in the different sections and collections of the Documentation Center.


032015Document of the month (December 201
5) (PDF Painting 1820 Kb)


032015Document of the Month (October 2
015) (A Literary Archive: Printed Comedies PDF 2320 Kb)


032015Piece of the month (September 201
5) (Burgado decorated PDF 697 Kb)


032015Document of the Month (August 2
015) (A Literary Archive: Archived Novels PDF 2160 Kb)


032015Piece of the Month (July 20
15) (Wood Threshold PDF 1188 Kb)


032015Document of the month (June 2
015) (Edict to prohibit reading… PDF 1280 Kb)


032015Piece of the month (May 20
15) (Ceramic container PDF 1264 Kb)


032015Document of the Month (April 20
15) (A book between the pages of a PDF newspaper 1504 Kb)


032015Piece of the month (March 2
015) (Scaler PDF 1977 Kb)


022015Document of the month (February 201
5) (Letter of Galdós PDF 1785 Kb)


mocanPiece of the month (January
2015) (PDF mocán seed 460 Kb)

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