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The Scientific Society The Canary Museum has the status of public utility association and is accepted to the special tax regime regulated by Title II of Law 49/2002, December 23, so that contributions to money or other assets made to it, including membership fees, by natural or legal persons, generate deductions of the fee in the Income Tax of Physical Persons or in Corporation Tax, respectively, under the legally in force conditions.

The following corporations, institutions, companies and individuals are currently contributing to the financing of the Scientific Society:

Logo Cabildo de Gran Canaria Logo Endesa governmentdecanary
Las Palmas Town Hall Logo foundationlacaja Gran Canaria Tourism Board Logo
Logo Canarian Food Company Logo Canarias7 Logo The Province
sergioalonso Image with the name of the partner Gastronomic Cabinet foundation
mapfreguanarte me lassalinasahmed Spar
Heriberto Heriberto andresmegias
Salvador Juliosanchez … and 450 protective, supportive and base partners